5 ‘S’ Battle Strategies to Prevent Heart Attack and Maintain Heart Health

woman in blue t-shirt and blue pants holding baby

Cardiovascular diseases are now the leading cause of death in the world. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including rheumatic heart disease, coronary heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease, claim about 17.9 million lives worldwide. Heart attacks among young people in India have been on the rise recently, and most experts attribute it to lifestyle choices. According to Dr … Read more

Wish to have glass like Skin? These 5 things are essential.

woman soaked in water

The ideal skincare color for many people is glass like skin, known as “chok-chok” skin in Korean beauty culture. Achieving a perfect, almost translucent complexion that looks like glass is at the heart of this trend, which has gained popularity among skincare enthusiasts and K-beauty influencers. In order to achieve such smooth and glowing skin, … Read more

10 Breakfast Foods That Are Not Good For Your Health

fruit salad on gray bowls

The most important meal of the day is breakfast, but to ensure a good start to the day, it’s also important to know exactly what to eat.It seems that people want a hearty, satisfying, enjoyable and nutritious breakfast. However, one must also remember that delicious does not always equal healthy. The best breakfast options include … Read more

5 Japanese Habits You Should Adopt for a Happy, Wealthy Life

Japan is one of the most popular countries in the world, especially given its culture and lifestyle. It is also very interesting that Japan has the highest percentage of population over 100 years old. Genes certainly play a role, but healthy habits and lifestyle decisions are also important. Moreover, Japanese culture is well known for … Read more

Is it healthy to eat sprouts raw or boiled?

black ceramic bowl with vegetable salad

Because of their high fiber content, sprouts can lower blood sugar levels after a meal. [Source: Unsplash] Remember when your mother forced you to eat sprouts when you were little? Well, you are older and times have changed. Either you are an adult who cares about their health or you still need to eat sprouts. … Read more

Korean lifestyle habits that will keep you looking vibrant and youthful

woman soaked in water

Korean habits with a healthy Korean culture promote general wellness and a youthful appearance in a society that places great emphasis on beauty and energy. Famous for their bright colors and incredible vitality, Koreans have developed lifestyle routines that support their general health. The Korean customs listed below will help you stay young and active: … Read more

Why are so many children facing mental health difficulty these days?

13-year-old Anjali had always gotten excellent grades, but she had already been expelled from two schools. She has missed the last 1.5 years of school due to her refusal to attend a new school and frequent tantrums. Her previous schools reported that she misbehaved with both staff and students. After a few therapy sessions, Anjali’s … Read more

What happens to your Health when you consume chia seeds every day?

Chia seeds are about 2 millimeters (0.08 in) in diameter and are oval, gray, and black and white in color. Because the seeds are hygroscopic, when they are soaked they absorb up to 12 times their weight in liquid and form a mucilaginous coating that gives chia-based dishes and drinks a unique gel texture. For … Read more