Uninhabited, 20 mysterious islands are found all over the world

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Paradise found? Some people are intimate with each other. However, some brave people choose to live in some of the most remote places on the planet. The prize? There is plenty of space, a distinct culture and a breathtaking landscape that never gets old. The world’s most remote inhabited islands are revealed to us, from … Read more

20 Powerful arguments to Embrace Feminism

The Future if Female sign

Believing in the equality of all genders and actively working to remove structural barriers that support gender-based discrimination and oppression are arguments for identifying as a feminist. This includes identifying and challenging cultural practices and systems that support gender inequality while working to establish a society where all people have equal opportunities, rights and treatment. … Read more

which country has a flower on their flag

country flag with a flower

which country has a flower on their flag Hong Kong The flag of Hong Kong, officially the territorial flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, depicts a white stylized five-petalled Hong Kong orchid tree (Bauhinia blaccaena) flower in the center of a Chinese red field. Its original design … Read more

What flower represents each nation’s flag around the world?

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Finland: Lily The summer blooming lily of the valley has come to symbolise summer in Finland. In 1967, on the occasion of Finland’s 50th anniversary of independence, the lily of the valley was chosen as the country’s emblem. The lily of the valley bears toxic petals and roots despite its well-groomed and beautiful exterior. Indonesia: … Read more

The world’s most dangerous animal is roaming in America

The world’s deadliest animal is smaller than a pencil eraser The world’s deadliest animal is smaller than a pencil eraser and weighs about two-thousandths of a gram – less than the weight of a drop of rain. Every year, it kills an estimated 700,000 people, with what scientists sarcastically refer to as a “blood meal”. … Read more

Rare glass octopus takes the internet by surprise! Watch the amazing video

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Rare glass octopus takes the internet by surprise! Watch the amazing video A rare glass octopus takes the internet by storm. A strange phenomenon of nature has been captured in a video which is currently going viral on social media. A rare species of glass octopus, Vitreledonella richardii, is seen floating in the sea in … Read more

alcohol affect to your brain takes only six minutes ?

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Did you know it only takes six minutes for alcohol to affect your brain? Just one drink can go to your head quickly. Researchers from Heidelberg put this well-known adage to the test. In just six minutes after consuming alcohol equivalent to three glasses of beer or two glasses of wine, Just six minutes after … Read more