15 bad hygiene habits that can actually make you sick


Small mistakes can cause big problems The world can be a very gross place. There is dirt, germs, viruses, bacteria, microscopic particles and much more. And let’s not forget the three years we spent battling Covid. The point is, we know proper hygiene to keep ourselves as safe and clean as possible, especially now. But … Read more

Fossil of giant sea monster and ‘ultimate killing machine’ discovered by scientists


‘ultimate killing machine’ discovered by scientists The skull of a giant sea monster has been unearthed from the rocks of Dorset’s Jurassic Coast. The pliosaur was a marine reptile that terrorized the oceans about 150 million years ago. The fossil is two meters long and is one of the most complete specimens of its type … Read more

10 Foods That Are Not Safe to Reheat in a Microwave

person holds tray of muffins on tray

Think Twice Before Putting These Foods in the Microwave About many years ago, The microwave was invented in 1945 American kitchens were gifted the microwave and they instantly became dependent on it for lightning-fast heating. The younger generation cannot even imagine making oatmeal, hot chocolate or popcorn without it. And yet many of us are using the … Read more

which country has a flower on their flag

country flag with a flower

which country has a flower on their flag Hong Kong The flag of Hong Kong, officially the territorial flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, depicts a white stylized five-petalled Hong Kong orchid tree (Bauhinia blaccaena) flower in the center of a Chinese red field. Its original design … Read more

An AI firm founded in 2022 by a 16-year-old Indian girl is now valued at Rs 100 crore.

AI firm founded in 2022 Pranjali Awasthi claims that the main goal of Delv.AI is to assist researchers in quickly finding specific information amid the constantly expanding universe of online resources. 16-year-old Indian prodigy Pranjali Awasthi has created headlines with her AI business, Delv.AI, in her hasty entry into the tech industry. Awasthi introduced her … Read more

Bad for Your Heart That 5 Foods

orange heart decor

5 foods that are detrimental to your heart Bad for Your Heart According to the American Heart Association (AHA), heart disease, commonly known as cardiovascular disease, kills more people annually in the United States than all forms of cancer and chronic lower respiratory diseases put together. Additionally, according to the same source, stroke causes one … Read more

29 easy methods to calm your anxiety

anxiousness woman's hand on face

29 simple ways to reduce your anxiety Anxiety disorders, which afflict 40 million people in the United States, are the most prevalent mental ailment today. Both physiologically (fast heartbeat, shaking, cold sweats, dizziness, and a feeling of suffocation) and psychologically (insecurity, preoccupation, and negative thought patterns) are signs of anxiety. What is the most effective … Read more

What happens to the body when you go a month without drinking milk?

person pours milk into glass

Is it a good idea to stop drinking milk? Is it a good idea to stop drinking milk?Milk is an important part of many people’s diets, particularly in Indian culture, where it is used in a variety of recipes. Its versatility makes it an essential component in a wide range of culinary creations. However, it … Read more

Snake Plant to Aloe Vera-7 plants for prosperity and growth

green snake plant in brown woven pot

Plants bring good fortune and wealth to Many cultures believe that some plants bring good fortune and wealth to homes and gardens. Even though their mystical powers are untested, plants are often associated with good symbolism and are thought to bring luck and growth. These seven plants provide good fortune and growth. Plants are often … Read more