An innovative new magnet free of rare-earth metals is set to revolutionize motors

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An innovative new Magnet

It goes without saying that a rapid transition away from fossil fuels is essential. One of the main concerns of humanity’s rapid shift towards green energy is the demand for rare earth metals, which can have catastrophic effects on the environment and society. These future electric motors and electric batteries require rare earth metals. Because of these factors, in addition to their general cost and scarcity, automakers like Tesla are aggressively looking for alternative materials to power their expanding fleet of electric vehicles.

  • Many technologies, such as electric grid batteries and EV motors, will need to become more widely used before society can fully transition to an electrified environment. Furthermore, a lot of those technologies use rare earth metals, which can be expensive in terms of money as well as social and environmental destruction.
  • A U.K.-based business said last week that they have successfully created a magnet using artificial intelligence (AI) that uses no rare earth metals at all in just three months. The company estimates that this is approximately 200 times faster than usual.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is already being used to find materials in other critical sectors of the green energy transition, demonstrating AI’s potential as a potent weapon in the fight against climate change.

Put simply, there isn’t enough time in the human race to investigate substitute materials for our future green energy sources. Fortunately, artificial intelligence “lives” its life quickly.

Materials Nexus, a U.K. tech company, recently revealed that they had created a magnet that is entirely devoid of rare earth metals with the aid of their AI platform. Other businesses have also produced “clean earth” magnets, so this isn’t the first gadget of its kind, but it took them roughly ten years of trial and error to get there. Materials Nexus said in a news release that it took just three months for its AI platform to design MagNex, a product free of rare earth metals.

According to the news release, “MagNex took just 3 months to design, synthesize, and test—x200 faster; the current industry standard permanent magnet took decades to discover and even longer to develop into the products we use today.” “Compared to rare earth element magnets currently on the market, MagNex can be produced at 20 percent of the material cost and a 70 percent reduction in material carbon emissions (kg CO2/kg).”

Materials Nexus collaborated with the University of Sheffield and the Henry Royce Institute, two national institutes in the United Kingdom, to create and test the magnet. According to the business, other aspects of the green energy transition, such as the design of semiconductors and superconductors, might be revolutionized by a similar AI design methodology. This appears quite plausible, given that the U.K. and Japanese scientists used artificial intelligence just a few days prior to the announcement of MagNex to successfully develop an iron-based superconducting magnet.

While there is understandable skepticism and fear related to job security with the advent of capable artificial intelligence, AI has the potential to be especially revolutionary in the field of materials science. Humans have found 20,000 materials through experimentation, according to the Materials Project, an open-source database designed to aid in the research of novel materials. With the advent of computing, this number has increased to 48,000.

Researchers at Deepmind, a Google-owned company, revealed in the journal Nature towards the end of 2023 that using those 48,000 materials, its Graph Networks for Materials Exploration (GNoME) was able to generate an additional 2.2 million materials, 380,000 of which are stable. and ideal prospects for synthesis.

It isn’t good enough to switch the entire planet from fossil fuels to electricity as quickly as humanly can; Fortunately, we have an AI trick under our sleeves.

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A Radical New Magnet Without Rare-Earth Metals Is About to Change Motors Forever (

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