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You may notice that your pillows are becoming more yellow when the temperature rises, but don’t panic—all it takes is a few simple household items to easily makeover them. Because of accumulated sweat and oil, pillows often take on a yellowish tint and look worse for wear, especially in the hot summer months.
That’s precisely why, when the weather becomes warmer, giving them a thorough wash every now and again becomes imperative. Making Lemonade’s cleaning expert, Carrie Higgins, has revealed a little secret to us: a single miracle chemical can make those yellowed pillows “so stinkin’ easy” to whiten again.
“As you know, vinegar is amazing when it comes to cleaning grout and I use it for just about everything,” she said, sharing her go-to trick. So why not use my filthy, disgusting pillows to try it out?” The Express reports on the outcomes. “Not only did it work, it pretty much performed miracles.”
How to use a single kitchen product to whiten yellow pillow and get rid of sweat stains
Common kitchen vinegar has a lot of acetic acid in it, which is great for removing body oils, sweat, and other stains. It also naturally softens clothes and kills bacteria.
All you need to restore your pillows to their original white color is vinegar mixed with a small amount of liquid laundry soap (Carrie recommends All Free and Clear for those with sensitive skin or allergies).
Just add your preferred detergent to the fabric softener section of your washing machine’s detergent drawer, roughly 240ml of white vinegar, and proceed with the regular wash cycle. Give the pillows one more spin cycle after washing to remove any residual moisture.
Cassie says the pillows should look “clean white and stain free,” but if they are really dingy, she recommends washing them again and using OxyClean Maxforce Stain Remover to get rid of any stains.
Cassie said: “Some sites recommend bleach, I’d only do this if absolutely necessary because bleach can cause skin and respiratory irritation.”
She went on: “As dirty and drooly as my pillows were, I didn’t need to run ANY of them through a second time, the vinegar/All combo worked like magic!” .
Sunlight may naturally whiten fabric, so either air dry the pillows outside or use a low-heat setting in the machine.
As Cassie said, “You can also place them outside in the sun to naturally whiten and kill germs.” Your pillows will now be stunning and ready to display!”
Use caution when using this “magic” homemade solution to revive pillows; just wash two pillows at a time to avoid overflowing the washing machine.
Check the label on your pillows to make sure they are appropriate for this laundry tip to work. Some pillows, such memory foam, cannot be put in the dryer or washing machine because they will melt.
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How to whiten yellow pillows and remove sweat stains with one kitchen ingredient (
Just add your preferred detergent to the fabric softener section of your washing machine’s detergent drawer, roughly 240ml of white vinegar, and proceed with the regular wash cycle. Give the pillows one more spin cycle after washing to remove any residual moisture. Just add your preferred detergent to the fabric softener section of your washing machine’s detergent drawer, roughly 240ml of white vinegar, and proceed with the regular wash cycle. Give the pillows one more spin cycle after washing to remove any residual moisture.
yellow pillow and get rid of sweat stains yellow pillow and get rid of sweat stains yellow pillow and get rid of sweat stains yellow pillow and get rid of sweat stains yellow pillow and get rid of sweat stains