Olds Birthday: 8 Things That Will Make You Look Old Beyond Your 60th Birthday


Although 0 is the new 40, there are a few things 60-year-olds need to be more aware of to fit into the 40-and-under set.

As the golden years approach, being aware of what to avoid and what to support can help ensure that those years are prosperous and bright.

8 Things That Will Make You Look Old Beyond Your 60th Birthday

Stop Being Lonely

According to research, loneliness can increase a person’s risk of dementia in old age by 50%. The body responds to loneliness with stress, which can lead to inflammatory conditions and a weakened immune system. Engage in frequent social interactions with friends and family, sign up for activity groups, or volunteer to combat loneliness.

Stop Skipping Vaccines

Sadly, as people age, the risk of hospitalization and death from pneumonia or the flu increases. The CDC recommends that all adults receive an annual flu vaccine.. Additionally, the CDC advises that adults age 65 and older receive two doses of the shingles vaccine and two doses of the pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine.

Stop Skipping Blood Pressure Readings

Blood pressure is an important indicator of health. Over time, high blood pressure can damage the walls of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke and dementia.

Stop Skipping Exercise

Use it or lose it becomes relevant, especially as people get older. Exercise has many benefits. Exercise improves sleep, reduces bone loss, and improves cognition. Even a simple swim or group walk can affect the body.

Stop Over-Drinking

As you get older, be sure to balance those happy hours. For people of all ages, heavy drinking increases the risk of heart disease and cancer, but the benefits of moderation increase as we get older. The need for long-term medication at an age can lead to risky interactions with alcohol.

Stop Lifting Heavy-Weights

After sixty, getting ripped is no longer the goal. In older individuals, lifting weights can be harmful. Don’t compete in bodybuilding competitions, lift enough weights to be strong enough for everyday tasks.

Stop Eating Sushi, Daily

Although fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, eating raw fish may have some disadvantages. The body’s resistance to microorganisms decreases with age, so it may be necessary to reduce the amount of sushi you eat regularly.

Stop Jumping out of Bed

While it’s a good idea to take the day off, relaxing into the new day can be beneficial for aging joints and muscles. Soft tissue hardens and hardens with age. When we wake up, our body needs some time to adjust. A little stretching before work will make you feel better in the morning and start the day off right.

Stop Smoking

Although quitting smoking can be one of the most difficult habits to quit, it has clear health benefits. Adults, especially those who have quit smoking, often see immediate benefits.

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