17 Biblical Prophecies That Were True


It is undeniable that there are some phenomena that cannot be explained, regardless of your beliefs regarding the paranormal. This article examines 17 of the numerous prophecies made by the Bible that have come to pass.

Biblical Prophecies

The Everlasting Throne of David


The prophecy, which was realized in Jesus, declared that David’s throne would continue forever. The Bible claims that Jesus’ spiritual reign fulfills this prophecy, tracing his ancestry back to King David. The fact that around 31% of people on the planet identify as Christians today indicates that David’s throne is still in place.

The Destruction of Tyre

The Bible predicted that Tyre, the ancient city, would be completely destroyed in the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel not only detailed Nebuchadnezzar’s siege, but also Alexander the Great’s ultimate destruction of the city, during which he infamously constructed a bridge to the island metropolis out of the ruins of the old city.

The Fall of Babylon

Long before Babylon fell, the Bible predicted its demise. The collapse of Babylon is foretold in the Books of Isaiah and Jeremiah, when the Medes and Persians defeat it. Centuries before Cyrus the Great’s unexpected conquest of Babylon, renowned for its astute strategic maneuver, these prophecies were made.

The Return of the Jews to Jerusalem

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Jeremiah and Isaiah’s writings foretold the Jewish people’s return to Jerusalem following their time in captivity in Babylon. Amazingly, the Bible specifically mentions Cyrus as the man who will restore Jerusalem, and it was Cyrus the Great of Persia’s decree that made this return possible.

The Rise of Alexander the Great

The Book of Daniel foreshadowed the quick ascent of Alexander the Great. History speaks of a powerful ruler who would exercise immense power and achieve feats that no one had ever attempted before. The goat with a horn used in the prophecy is a sign that many believe to be Alexander.

The Global Impact of Jesus’s Teachings

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Given the modest beginnings of Christianity, Jesus’ prediction in the gospels that His teachings would reach “the ends of the earth” appeared unlikely at the time. However, as Christianity quickly expanded throughout the Roman Empire and beyond, this prophecy came to pass.

The Destruction of the Second Temple

The gospels contain details of Jesus’ prophecy that the Second Temple would be destroyed. This prophecy was fulfilled in AD 70 when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, including the temple. Historians like Josephus have written a great deal about this event, and it fits well with Jesus’ prediction that “not one stone would be left on another.”

The Significance of Israel in the End Times

The importance of Israel in the End Times is predicted by biblical predictions, a subject that theologians debate a lot. The geopolitical developments of today, in which Israel is frequently the focus of attention worldwide, are a reflection of these prophecies. For a long time, it has been among the top 10 strongest nations.

The Unchanging Hebrew Language

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Hebrew’s survival and resurgence are viewed as a fulfillment of biblical predictions found in Zephaniah, which describes the restoration of a pure language to the people. Hebrew was remarkably restored to become the official language of Israel in the 20th century, after centuries of decline.

The Preservation of the Jewish People

The Bible makes multiple references to the Jewish people’s persevering legacy in the face of countless hardships and the fear of extinction. This biblical prophecy has come to pass throughout history as Jews have persevered through persecution, exile, and the Holocaust.

The Futility of Rebuilding Babylon

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Bible prophecies made it quite evident that Babylon would fall and would never be able to be rebuilt. Prophecy and history both show that attempts to revive its past splendor under different rulers, including Saddam Hussein, ultimately failed. These initiatives came to an end, leaving Babylon as an extant archaeological site.

The Curse of Jericho

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The Book of Joshua describes the curse placed on Jericho as its walls collapsed miraculously. The curse said that anyone rebuilding the city would have to pay a heavy price in personal sacrifice. The ancient site of Jericho represents the literal realization of the biblical curse today, reflecting a history of destruction and botched reconstruction.

The Desolation of Egypt

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Egypt’s collapse from a powerful empire to a weaker power was predicted by the Bible to happen over ages, at which point it would become a humble kingdom. This was most visibly observed after Egypt was reduced to a supporting position in the wake of the Persian conquest and subsequent Roman and Arab dominations. Even though it is a historically significant and culturally rich country, modern Egypt does not have the same geopolitical influence as ancient Egypt, which is consistent with biblical predictions of its declining position.

The Diminishing of Edom

Significant locations in Edom, including its capital, which was once a prosperous kingdom, are now in ruins, with little more than archeological relics remaining. This region’s existing status as a part of contemporary Jordan serves as a reminder of the doom predicted by biblical prophets.

The Fate of Petra

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Prophecy said that Petra, which is sometimes linked with the biblical land of Edom, would be left in ruins. According to archeological research, it formerly prospered before gradually declining and never rising to its previous heights. Petra is a well-liked tourist destination nowadays, recognized less for being a bustling, lively city and more for its breathtaking ruins and historical significance.

The Expansion of Jerusalem

According to biblical prophecy, Jerusalem would grow far beyond its prehistoric boundaries. This has been noted over the ages due to the city’s substantial growth, particularly in the 20th century with the founding of the State of Israel. This prophetic vision is reflected in Jerusalem’s current developments and demographic shifts, which highlight the city’s ongoing growth and centrality in both historical and modern contexts.

The Plight and Restoration of Moab

The Bible made references to both Moab’s destruction and a possible comeback. In the past, Moab had severe setbacks and gradually lost its identity. But the prophecy points to a future in which things will turn around. The prophecy is fulfilled now, as places that were formerly home to Moab are exhibiting signs of prophetic restoration.

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17 Biblical Predictions That Actually Came True (msn.com)

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