6 best Invigorating Stretching Activities to Up Your Office Breaks!


Working in an office can be taxing and unpleasant, especially if you have to sit for long periods of time. Sitting for long periods of time can negatively affect circulation, flexibility, posture, and lead to health problems such as headaches, eye strain, neck and back pain. To avoid these problems, stretching activities should be done every hour to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind.

You can improve your range of motion, soothe tense muscles, reduce stress levels, and increase your vitality and productivity by stretching. This post will guide you through six simple and effective stretching exercises that you can do in your office chair, sitting or standing, without any extra gear or clothing.

Here are 6 stretching you can do during office break:

1) Neck stretch

This stretching exercise can reduce stress on your neck and shoulders, as it can help with headaches and poor posture. First, take a straight seat or stand, then slowly tilt your head to the side so that your ear is against your shoulder. After ten seconds, hold this pose and then switch sides. Repeat three times on each side. Additionally, you can gently turn your head from side to side and nod up and down to stretch your neck in different directions.

2) Shoulder stretch

As a result of this stretching exercise, your breathing and posture will improve, which will help you relax and open your shoulders and chest. Straighten your back, sit or stand, then cross your right arm across your chest and hold it with your left arm. Bring your right arm closer to your body until your right shoulder begins to straighten. After ten seconds, hold this pose and then switch hands. Repeat three times on each arm. By extending your arms above your head and interlacing your fingers, you can also stretch your back and shoulders.

3) Stretch your back

A typical complaint among office workers is lower back discomfort, which can be prevented and cured with these exercises. Place your feet flat on the floor and sit on the edge of your chair to start. Lean forward, arch your spine and extend your arms toward the floor. Hold this pose for ten seconds, then slowly stand up. Repeat three more times. By placing your hands on your lower back and gently arching your back, you can stand up and stretch your stomach and lower back.

4) Hip Stretch

Sitting for long periods of time can make your legs and hips stiff and uncomfortable; This exercise will help you solve it. Sit on your chair and cross your right ankle over your left knee to form a figure-four formation. Feel the tension in your right hip and glute as you gently press down on your right knee. After ten seconds, hold this pose and then switch legs. Repeat three times on each leg. Stand up, step back with the right leg, bend the left knee and stretch the right hip flexor and quadriceps.

5) Leg stretch

By increasing your leg flexibility and circulation, this exercise can help you avoid cramps and varicose veins. With your left foot on the floor, sit back in your chair and extend your right leg in front of you. Point your toes to the sky and bend your right leg.

Feel the stretch in your right hamstring and calf by moving your hands toward your right leg and trying to touch your toes. After ten seconds, hold this pose and then switch legs. Repeat three times on each leg. To further stretch your right leg, you can stand, bend forward, and place your right leg on a low table or chair.

6) Wrist stretch

These exercises can help prevent and treat carpal tunnel syndrome, which can make it difficult to type and operate a mouse, as well as cause wrist pain. To complete this exercise, sit or stand upright and extend your right arm in front of you, palm down. Feel the stretch in your right wrist and arm as you gently bend your right arm down with your left hand. Ten seconds should elapse before swapping hands. Repeat three times with each arm. Make fists with your hands and rotate your wrists in both directions to release the grip on your fingers and wrists.

Taking a long break from work can have many positive effects on one’s health and well-being. Stretching can help you reduce stress and tension, increase blood flow and oxygen delivery, increase your energy and concentration, relieve discomfort in your muscles and joints, and improve your posture and flexibility.

These six simple stretching exercises can help you feel more refreshed and relaxed at work, increasing both your productivity and happiness. So, the next time your back hurts from sitting too much, take a break from work and stretch.

Read Also:15 yoga poses try to practise at home

Read also:https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness/office-exercises

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