5 Motivational Books to Help You Be Happy and Think Positively


In a society full of diversity, it can be difficult to find true happiness and move quickly. If you think true happiness is an unattainable goal, read these books about happiness. It feeds the soul from within and gives you the freedom to embrace personal growth, explore new perspectives and explore your passions. By immersing yourself in the power of words, you can develop a greater awareness of yourself and the world around you. It gives you a new sense of confidence that enables you to take on new challenges, be comforted and motivated.

If you’re feeling unmotivated in life and struggling to find contentment, browse the books below to gain some perspective and find happiness.

Best Motivational books that are totally worth your time!

1. The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Written by best-selling author Gretchen Rubin, this book follows her own journey to happiness. It provides a useful method for finding joy in everyday existence. This book, described as completely accessible, guides you through the process of self-care by developing connections, following passions, and practicing gratitude. If you want to find happiness on your own and live a more fulfilling life, this inspirational book is the perfect place to start!

2. The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama

The book is based on a series of conversations with the Dalai Lama conducted by psychiatrist Howard C. Cutler organized during the week. It provides a thorough and helpful manual for finding lasting happiness in an ever-changing world. The book discusses happiness as the ultimate goal of life and emphasizes the value of compassion, inner peace and mindfulness. It encourages readers to maintain an optimistic outlook and change their lives by experiencing true happiness independent of their environment.

3. The Power Of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Positivity is the foundation of a happy life, and this book offers helpful strategies and motivational stories to help you develop it. The author gives the reader the tools they need to overcome obstacles, develop optimism, and realize their greatest potential. This well-known book shows you how to use affirmations and beliefs to your advantage and teaches you how to think positively to improve relationships, create the life you want, and live a happy and successful life.

4. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

Author and motivational speaker Robin Sharma’s book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, is the life-changing story of a prosperous lawyer’s transformation into a hermit. Based on true stories, this intriguing book encourages readers to rethink their goals, practice mindfulness, and live a fulfilling life. This has a long-term impact on both your personal and professional goals.

5. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia

The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life is a book that examines the idea of having a purpose in life, drawing on the wisdom of the people of Okinawa, Japan. People in Japan believe that the secret to living a long and happy life is to have an ikigai, or a reason to get up in the morning. This book offers helpful advice on embracing simplicity, building relationships, finding our life’s purpose, and coexisting with the natural world. This enlightening manual provides a path to a happy and purposeful life based on connection and purpose.

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