Your Power is a crucial element in Fortnite: Save the World, and we will provide guidance on how to enhance it.
Power, previously referred to as “Power Level,” plays a significant role in Save the World as it affects your strength during missions, thereby impacting the likelihood of mission success. There are primarily two categories of power: Item Power and Homebase Power. We will explain how to improve both.
Item Power
The Item Power exclusively affects the strength of a specific item and does not impact the overall game mechanics. The items listed below are solely influenced by Item Power and do not affect the Homebase Power.
- Heroes
- Weapons
- Traps
- Defenders
Methods to Enhance Item Power
There are three distinct methods to enhance the effectiveness of these items:
- Save the World has different Rarities, just like Battle Royale.
- The rarer your item, the more powerful it is.
- The Rarity order, from weakest to strongest, is: Common > Uncommon > Rare > Epic > Legendary > Mythic.
Level Up
- You can level up and evolve all items in the “Manage” section of their respective categories, by clicking on the item and selecting “Upgrade/Inspect”
- You can level up your items with XP gained by completing missions, opening llamas or adding things to your Collection Book.
- An item’s level is shown next to the abbreviation “LV” when you click on “inspect item”.
- Heroes and Defenders need Hero XP to level up.
- Traps and Weapons can be leveled up with Schematic XP.
- The Evolution determines your item’s Star Level, which is shown next to its LV-Level when inspecting the item.
- Once you’ve levelled up your item to the maximum amount possible within its current Star Level, you can evolve the item.
- An item typically starts out at 1 Star and can be evolved to up to 5 Stars.
- The higher Star Levels get unlocked as you progress through the story, so you can’t level up an item to 5 Stars right away.
- Depending on an item’s rarity and star level, you need various resources to evolve it, which can also be collected by completing missions, opening llamas or adding things to your Collection Book.
Homebase Power
The Homebase Power, located in the upper left corner of your base, influences various elements of your in-game mechanics.
- Fortitude (health and health regeneration)
- Offense (damage dealt with ranged and melee weapons)
- Resistance (shield and shield regeneration)
- Tech (trap damage, ability damage, gadget damage and healing done by healing traps)
It is evident that enhancing your damage can be achieved by improving either your Item Power or your Homebase Power. While an increase in Item Power pertains solely to a specific item, an enhancement in Homebase Power influences all of your items collectively. Furthermore, your Homebase Power plays a crucial role in determining the missions available to you; if it is insufficiently low, you will be unable to participate in certain missions.
Ways To Increase Homebase Power
You can improve your Homebase Power in four different ways:
Play with other players
- This is the sole approach that will not result in a permanent increase to your Homebase Power; however, it can be beneficial while you are engaged in the mission.
- To engage in a mission, please select your desired task and click on “Fill” to collaborate with other players.
- When additional players participate in your mission, your Homebase Power will experience a temporary enhancement based on the Homebase Power of the other players involved.
- As the number of participants in your mission increases, your collective strength also grows.
Upgrade your research
- You can find your research in the “Command” section of your Homebase.
- You can use Research Points to manually upgrade your Fortitude, Offense, Resistance and Tech, which also increases your overall Power.
- As your Account Level increases, your Research Team will collect Research Points faster
Level up your account
Your Account Level can be increased by
- Completing quests/missions
- Activating XP boosts that can be gained by opening llamas and adding items to your Collection Book
Upgrade your Survivors
- Your Survivors can be found in the “Command” section of your Homebase
- When organizing your Squads, it’s advisable to enable “Autofill” as the game will automatically update your Squads with the best-fitting Survivors you have available.
- Survivors have the same Rarities as Heroes, including Mythic
- Survivors can be levelled up and evolved in the same way as other items but they are the only item that influences your Homebase Power
- Survivors require Survivor XP to level up and evolve (as opposed to Hero XP and Schematic XP)