9 easy steps to keep your money plant healthy at home

money plant

A strong money plant is considered by many cultures as a symbol of prosperity and stability in the home. Unfortunately, ignorance can occasionally cause a plant to grow slowly or rot due to some mistakes. Here are nine easy-to-follow guidelines for indoor money plant care.

Healthy money plant:

Give it some sunlight.

Money plants thrive when located in areas with indirect sunlight. Thus, place them near a window so that it receives bright, filtered light. Avoid direct sunlight to avoid burning the leaves, which will cause them to wilt.

Make sure to water it well.

The money plant is known not to require much water, although it can benefit greatly from occasional heavy watering to stimulate growth. Water the plant when the topsoil feels dry as the money plant needs slightly moist soil.

Choose the right pot.

Choose an organic soil pot to grow the money plant in if it is still in the growing stage. Repot every two years or when the roots outgrow the pot and make sure there are enough drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

Cut off dead leaves.

If the plant is growing properly, prune or cut back any stems or leaves that are yellowing or too weak. Regular pruning will also encourage bushier growth, giving the tree a fuller appearance.

Give it some support.

As the this plant climbs, it is important to provide proper support for the developing stems. Place a bamboo pole, trellis or moss stick near the growing stem so the plant can climb it.

Soil and nutrients.

Make sure the soil or plant base is rich for your money plant to thrive healthily. To create healthy soil, mix compost, cocopeat and general garden soil. Then, add additional nutrients by watering the soil with rice or banana peel water.

Be on the lookout for insects.

Beware of common pests such as aphids and spider mites when planting money plants in an open garden or terrace. If you don’t treat these pests, your plant may die because they can eat its leaves or roots.

Make sure the temperature is right.

A temperature of 12 to 30 degrees is ideal . Thus, if it’s too cold outside, bring your plant inside and make sure to cover it from occasional sunlight.

How can it spread?

green and brown plant on brown wooden table

Multiplying money plants is not very difficult. Stem cuttings can be used to grow them and they also grow well in small containers such as water bottles. Cut a healthy stem with at least one node, then soak in water or moist soil to encourage root growth.

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9 simple tips to maintain a money plant at home (msn.com)

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