8 Things not to say to your kids


It can be difficult to navigate the complications of parenthood. To promote healthier communication between you and your kids, steer clear of these eight phrases

Things not to say to your kids :

harsh language

Steer clear of using harsh or angry language since this can lead to emotional discomfort and make it more difficult for your child to communicate honestly and effectively.

Material promises

Offering gifts in return for excellent behavior can encourage materialistic values rather than sincere motivation and acknowledgment of deeds and accomplishments.


Comparing your child to other people can cause them to feel less confident in themselves and lose interest in pursuing their special skills and passions.


Unrealistic expectations and pressure might arise from giving out too much praise. In order to cultivate resilience and a realistic self-perception, work should be prioritized over natural aptitude It’s

Serious precautions

It might be unsettling and distrustful to employ draconian punishments to coerce children into obeying. Try giving sincere justifications that are in line with what they did. It’s

Personal criticism

The child’s self-worth may be harmed if their character is criticized rather than their behavior. Pay attention to the particular behavior and the reasons it’s problematic

Negative expressions

Phrases like “Don’t cry” or “It’s not a big deal” that minimize sentiments can encourage kids to repress their feelings, which might hinder their emotional growth.​​

Unrealistic promises

Keeping unfulfilled promises can breed mistrust. Regarding what you can offer, be reasonable and make sure you always fulfill your end of the bargain.

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