Hydration is essential for good health. As a result, doctors typically advise consuming 10 to 12 glasses of water each day. But do you usually fulfill that requirement by simply sipping on cold water throughout the summer? It turns out that drinking straight from the refrigerator should be avoided by everyone, not just those with throat conditions. There’s a saying that the repercussions get worse in colder water. Now let’s learn more.
Drinking too much cold water might potentially shock the body’s systems, particularly the digestive system, which could result in temporary discomfort or digestive issues for some individuals. Plus, really cool water might momentarily constrict the blood vessels in the throat, resulting in discomfort or irritation.
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Reasons of not drinking ice-cold water
Blood vessels that contract when exposed to cold water may lessen blood flow to the throat region, which could impede infection recovery. Numerous uncomfortable symptoms, including bloating, cramps, and even constipation, may result from this. Therefore, avoiding cool water is preferable for improved digestion.
Water that is too cold might irritate the throat and make pre-existing conditions worse, such pain or inflammation. Furthermore, consuming ice water, particularly after a meal, may cause the throat to produce more mucus, which can exacerbate symptoms for those suffering from allergies, the flu, or colds.
Muscle tension
Ice-cold water can cause throat muscles to tense, which makes swallowing more painful and challenging for those with sore throats .Additionally, it could result in respiratory infections, a blocked nose, and sore throats
Affects heart rate and may cause headaches
It has been demonstrated that immersion in cold water lowers heart rate. “This effect is due to the activation of the vagus nerve, which is also known as the tenth cranial nerve and is a vital component of the body’s autonomous neurological system that regulates heart rate, According to an expert, drinking cool water will help soothe a number of the spine’s nerves, which can impact the brain and cause headaches. “Those with migraines and those who have sinus issues may find this condition more problematic if they are cold-sensitive.
Tooth sensitivity
Drinking cold water can aggravate tooth sensitivity and make it difficult to chew and swallow. “Eating something too cold can weaken the enamel on your teeth, which can cause sensitivity, it is advised to use water that is room temperature in order to minimize oral problems.
Hinders the control of weight
The inability of cold water to burn body fat that has been stored thwarts attempts to lose weight. Experts say that drinking cool water right after a meal solidifies the fat from the food you eat, so if you’re trying to lose weight, wait at least 30 minutes afterwards before drinking any cold water.
Disturbs digestion
Drinking too-cold water or other liquids might cause blood vessels to constrict, which will interfere with digestion. “The digestion process after a meal is complicated by the contraction of the stomach caused by cold water.” According to experts, cold water can have a particularly negative impact on the digestive system because it interferes with the body’s natural process of absorbing nutrients during digestion.
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