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17 Things Women Must Accept About Men
The truth can be a bitter pill. Overcoming previous experiences or tuning out what you hear from others can also be challenging. Males want women to understand certain facts about them, some of which may contradict what you previously believed to be true. These are a few of the most important things that men want women to know about them.

1. They’re Just Not Into You Enough
“It is possible for a man to be attracted to you but not into you despite your attractiveness. It does not imply that they are gay or in a relationship. Not everyone will be attracted to you, and that’s okay,” someone said.
2. They Consider Stupidity
Such literal absurdity! I promise. I’ll occasionally lose myself in the most bizarre things. Someone said, “I’m visualizing Excel spreadsheets and mentally recalculating our projected financial situation month by month, but I’m just visualizing an Excel spreadsheet, the formulas I’d need, and the math,”
3. They Cannot Read Minds
“Men are unable to read minds. Give it out loud and stop giving away what you want. Playing the “hard to get” game these days is probably not going to gain you anything. Men have been indoctrinated into believing that “No means No ,” so when they say “No,” we believe them, someone once remarked.
4. They Are Not “Fixable.”
“Women must realize that they are not able to fix a man. I hold television sitcoms responsible for the terrible relationship clichés. We all have internal motivations since we are human,” said one individual.
5. Their Emotions Are Damaged
“I understand she wants to be chased,” a man remarked. Everybody does. Pointing is entertaining, but after a few tries to get your attention and you don’t, it becomes less enjoyable and hurts my feelings by giving me the impression that you don’t want me.
6. They lack confidence
We harbor numerous insecurities. We’re not confident in our ability to make a decent companion. Someone said, “We’re afraid that if we fail once, you’ll dump us because we’re not good enough for you.”
7. They’re Distinctive
“All men are not created equal. For example, I personally don’t agree with the majority of the remarks. However, I’m confident that for some other guys, these are real. Similarly, certain truths I hold are not applicable to other guys. Like women, we are all a little different from one another, someone said.
8. Their Feelings Are Complicated
That’s why I’ve had to unlearn so much this year. Someone said, “I got tired of not being able to be simple, so I tried to put myself together like an egg that rolled off the counter at 24 years old. I was never taught how to manage or even understand my emotions.”
9. They Require Personal Time
One user commented, “That “me time” is very important.” It’s underappreciated and misinterpreted as you simply seeking time off from your life and partner. It has nothing to do with having a “break” from them; I just want some time to spend doing something I enjoy all by myself.
10. They’re Not Ignorant
According to someone’s experience, “the biggest misconception that women seem to have about men, especially women in their 30s and below, is that they seem to think we’re all stupid.”
11. They are not resting.
One user admitted, “A recliner will put us to sleep, but we weren’t sleeping—we were just relaxing our eyes.”
12. They Fear Experiencing Vulnerability
“We were naively vulnerable with a woman once,” someone added. Perhaps it was our earliest crush, or perhaps it was our mother. And for doing it, we faced rejection or worse. We eventually gave it another attempt and received the same response. Experience taught us that it is preferable to pass away while still mounted than to ever dismount.
13. They have nothing on their minds
“We claim to be thinking about nothing, but in reality, we are either thinking about nothing at all or we are thinking about something so ridiculous that it would take an eternity to explain and you would still not understand it. It’s so ridiculous that it doesn’t even make sense why we were thinking about it in the first place,” someone yelled.
14. It’s Not Possible to Have Both
You can advise a man on what has to be done or how to do it, but not both at the same time. Almost always, attempting to accomplish both will result in conflicts, someone said.
15. They focus on finding solutions
“If you vent, we will give you solutions because we want to help, not because we are controlling,” a user wrote. We are solution-oriented.
16. They require clarification.
“Even after thirty years, hints are still useless. We require lucidity. Someone said, “Being upset that something was done incorrectly after the fact doesn’t make it better; it just makes us want to refuse to assist the next time.
17. Their desires are the same.
“You have to be a traditional woman if you want a traditional gentleman. And you have to be a traditional man if you want a traditional woman, someone said.
read also: If You Engage In These 14 Behaviors You’re Not a Very Nice Person
17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men
17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men 17 Things Women Must Accept About Men
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