17 Item People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford

It’s awful to wish you could own something, but it’s out of your reach; you just have to keep dreaming about it until you have the money to buy it. An online survey asking, “What is an item you would love to own but can’t afford?” was recently completed by participants. Here are a few of the most popular answers.

Item People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford

Items People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford

1. Stocks

“100 shares of every stock I should have bought when I was young,” someone uttered.
“Yes, I would be doing pretty good, lol, if I could have the stocks I wanted when I was 10,” another person retorted.

2. A Room Full of Books

I have a room in my house where vintage leather-bound books are kept. There are no walls visible. One guy said, “It’s just shelves and shelves of books.”

3. A Therapist

Someone commented, “Well, I guess not myself.” However, I would love to attend one and then receive advice on how to enhance my well-being.

4. The Essentials

A completely filled subterranean bunker, complete with food, water, supplies, and weaponry, ready for any situation that might endanger mankind, was mentioned.

5. A Van

Someone said, “A van full of home essentials so my cat and I can travel and explore North America.”

6. A Swimming Pool

Since swimming is done in the summer, it’s the only activity that allows me to leave the house on my birthday, which I adore. A user wrote, “I really wanna smash right through their fence and jump straight in like the Kool-Aid guy because so many folks in my area have pools.

7. Headphones with Noise Cancellation

“An expensive pair of amazing sound-quality noise-cancelling headphones that makes Bose sound bad since mine got stolen,” someone commented.

8. Affordable Healthcare

“I wish for changes to the system so that you can access affordable medical care without having insurance,” a person commented.

9. Home

“A dwelling. I’ve come to the realization today that it’s unattainable, and I most likely won’t ever own a home. What a shame,” said one person.

10. An Enterprise

“My own stationery cafe/business,” someone mentioned. I want to do something in the future, but starting a firm requires capital. Right now, I can’t afford to take a chance.

11. Live-in Assistance

“A cook and maid who lives in.” A user wrote, “It would help me so much and free me so much time, even though I know I wouldn’t own them.

12. A Cat Tree

“One of those gigantic cherry blossom cat trees for my cats!” exclaimed someone. They seem so content with what they have, in my opinion. I regret not being able to buy them nicer items at random right now.

13. A Large Vehicle

“One of those that, when something heavy like a moose hits it, pops open like a hood and sends it sliding over the roof instead of crashing through the window,” someone made the comment.

14. Air Conditioning

“At this moment? Both my car and home have operational air conditioners. It has surpassed ninety degrees every day. Thus, air conditioner,” a user said.

15. The Dutch Oven

“On the smaller side, a Le Creuset Dutch oven,” someone said. A comfortable two or three bedroom home with a workshop is on the larger side.

16. Laser Hair Removal

I’m going to suggest an at-home laser hair removal device in a more “within-reach” manner. Someone commented, “This year’s razor burn/bumps are out of control and don’t scream sexy legs for summer.”

17. Race Horse

“I could buy one now, but I couldn’t afford to keep it in training or give it the proper aftercare when it was done racing,” a user commented.

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17 Item People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford 17 Item People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford 17 Item People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford 17 Item People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford

17 Item People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford 17 Item People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford 17 Item People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford 17 Item People Wish They Could Own But Cannot Afford

17 Things People Would Love To Own, But Can’t Afford (centsandpurpose.com)

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